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About us

D'Ikòskylo is a word with Greek origin, meaning "Dog's House".  We
believed this would be theright name for our kennel, since we live with our animals everyday inperfect harmony as a family.
I have a passion for this breed since my early years and, as soon as I was
able to, I got not only one, but three dogs which have given me great results.  During my first year going to dog's contests, we got 28 first places among 36 participations.  Such success gave me the enthousiasm to go further, becoming a breeder and helping to develop and improve these dogs that I always admired.







Are they friendly with the children?

This breed is very good with children, due to their high level of intelligence and to their natural attitude to act with people and to help them.  They seem to understand that babies and children need protection and care, so normally these dogs are very pacient with the games of the younger ones.